What a weekend . . . .

Another weekend full of action and no cooking . . . sigh. Friday night I went out to Tides Seafood. Earlier in the week the special of the day at the work cafeteria was lobster roll and not unsurprisingly, it tasted pretty much exactly like what you would expect an $8 dollar work cafeteria lobster roll to taste like. So I was quite excited to have an opportunity to try a new and yummy lobster roll.
Tides is a tiny restaurant on the Lower East Side. To give you a sense, as I walked up to the restaurant, I saw the kitchen staff hanging out outside, and later when a group ordered, the waitress put her head out the door and said "they ordered," to bring the staff back into the kitchen. What the restaurant lacks in size in more than makes up for in design. The ceiling looks like a see anemone or coral, the sink in the bathroom features a tub full of rocks and when you turn on the sink the water flows down the mirror--definitely the best bathroom I have been in (and this says a lot since when I was little pretty much the highlight of any restaurant visit was a trip to check out the bathroom--yep she was an odd one).
On to the roll--it was good (though not great). There was a bit too much mayo (and I love mayo so that says a lot), and it was served on a split-top brioche roll. The use brioche was just gilding the lily, I think the sandwich just tastes better on a split top white bread roll--especially with all that mayo, the brioche was a little too much. I'm not saying I wouldn't be happy to eat it again, but I don't think it is going to replace Pearl's as my favorite.
Saturday included a trip to Six Point Craft Ales Brewery for a tour and tasting, which I highly recommend (see pictures of yummy beer, Geordie running towards an empty factory, and what beer is made from above).
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