June and The beginning of July Gone in A Flash

So much has happened it's hard to know where to begin . . . so I will just dive in . . . In the last two months I have eaten at Blue Hill at Stone Barns, thrown a crabcake dinner party, gone to my first coney island cyclones game, and been to Copenhagen and Stockholm. Craziness.
Blue Hill was excellent. I went with my friends Megan and Matt, and as it turns out, Matt is a great person to eat out with, because he likes to eat and without even thinking said, tasting menu with wine pairings? Of course. Unfortunately, my camera died before dinner so I have no pictures of the presentation which was truly amazing. Our bright green salad was served on a piece of black slate. Bright green asparagus soup was served in a big white bowl. And it was all delicious.
The next weekend I invited Ross, Natalie, Geordie and Lindsay over for a dinner party, which turned out kind of great. I made a blueberry cake using the recipe for the rasberry yogurt cake and covered it in lemon curd for dessert. It was delicious. And I made crabcakes using Amanda Hesser's recipe from Cooking for Mr. Latte. I was a little nervous, because the now former boyfriend made me think it was kind of insane to throw a dinner party and cook something you had never made before. I had never made the crabcakes before, but they turned out terrifically delicious. I would definately make the recipe again (a lot of crab meat, white bread and coated in saltine cracker crumbs to keep the crab from getting tough). So pthhht. Lindsay and Geordie put together a little cheese and wine tasting to enjoy before the meal, which was definately the best thing anyone could ever bring for me to share. Yay dinner party. Yay. Next post all about Scandinavia (oh and that picture of Geordie and Lindsay? It's from the cyclones game, there was a wedding after the game on the field and that is them enjoying the wedding cake. ha ha ha ha)
Hello Broccoli Slapshot:
If interested Organically Speaking a Seattle base website has released a conversation with Michael Pollan podcast (audio conversation). Interesting tidbits on farmers markets, CSAs, and more!
Some Podcast Show Note Questions:
Q) Why the price difference between conventional food and organic and how do we go about bringing down organic food prices?
Q) How can small local organic farmers remain local in a capitalistic system?
Q) What is the "Food Web" you briefly touch on in your book, The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals.
All the best,
Holistic Conversations for a Sustainable World Who Share Your Passion for:
* high quality organic food
* natural, sustainable lifestyle
* ecology
* holistic health
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