A Fit of Life Confusion

At the end of May beginning of June I was not in a happy place. I had a fit of what am I doing with my life, what does it all mean where am I going. And as often happens when I start thinking this way, I didn't so much come up with a life direction as much as just get really anxty and anxious. So I booked a flight. And holy crap I was headed to Scandanvia by myself.
I had a blast. I ate two meals at top restaurants (one in each city, Noma in Copenhagen, and Pontus at the Greenhouse in Stockholm), and had a number of other delicious meals from smaller places (including a really great fried herring cart in Stockholm and am amazing Sandwich place called Skillpaden in Copenhagen) and saw some beautiful sites (Louisiana museum might just be the coolest modern art museum ever, and Modern Museet and Grinda in the Archipegalo).
The sky was blue and cloudless the whole time and the temperature was perfect. Mostly I surprised myself by not freaking out about being on my own. Which is a good thing, because it's a big world out there and I would like to see more of it, and yes I would love to share those experiences with someone else, but it's nice to know that I don't have to wait.
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